Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Dr. Seuss

Woohoo!! We had a great day in First grade celebrating the birth of one of our favorite authors! Dr. Seuss!!!!! We got to wear our pajamas to school and cozy up with some of his books :) We got a few surprises did a few fun activities as well!
 We read a Biography about the life of Dr. Seuss that had some pretty interesting facts in it. Did you know his first name was Theodore?? He was born in 1904, he was an illustrater for others before he became an author himself and his first book was The Cat in the Hat!!
 We read The Lorax (can't wait to see the movie). This story is about a funny little character The Lorax, who lives in a town of Truffula trees. The trees are cut down to make Thneeds (weird scarves) from their furry tops. The Lorax is so sad that the town turns dirty from the smoke and the trees are all gone. There is only one Truffula tree seed left...We then did a writing activity.."What would you do if you were the Lorax to help the Earth?"
 Our Dr. Seuss goodies from Mrs. Grow and Mrs. Davis : ) : ) : ) I bought those buttons 2 years ago knowing there would be some special day to use them!!!

 One of my most favorite Dr. Seuss books :)

 I really like how this little love asked the reader a question. What would YOU do?? We've been talking about how we should stop and answer the questions to ourselves when the author writes an asking sentence. KUDOS!!
We la la LOVE Dr. Seuss!!

The Day Elizabeth Broke Her Arm

Our sweet friend Elizabeth had a very unfortunate accident that left her with a broken arm :( We missed her at school so much!! instead of our writing plans for the day, we decided to make her a class book (sometimes you just gotta go with it ;))

I asked my little loves how they thought she broke her arm and I got some funny responses. First graders say the darndest things ;) So I asked them all to write a story about how they thought she broke her arm...here are a few of the pages from her book.

 A boy pushed her off her bike :(
 Climbing a mountain
 She fell off the swing
 *She fell off a fence
One of my faves, she went bungey jumping!

*True story!! She fell off of a fence.

Beckett :)

I'm back from Maternity Leave! I have to show off my sweet boy : ) Beckett Christopher Davis was born November 30, 2011 at 6:30 pm weighing 7 pounds 5 ounces, 20 inches long. Thank God for a healthy, precious baby boy!! He just turned 3 months old and has now accomplished the milestone of rolling over all by himself :) I am a VERY proud momma!!

Tired of working so hard rolling over!