Sunday, February 12, 2012


In October, we learned about Bats, Spiders and did some fun math games using candy corns and pumpkins. Here are a few pics of ONE of the many fun days we had in October...again I wish I had more pics of all that we did!! (Learning as I'm going)

Pumpkins, Pumpkins on the ground...

We had lots of fun with a Pumpkin Unit in October. 
Here is just one of the days we enjoyed ;)

Our Pumpkin ;) Cut open the top and ready to explore the insides!!

 In small groups, the kiddos got to come up and feel the pumpkin both on the outside and inside. They had to give me describing words for each. 
{Next year I want to do multiple pumpkins so all the small groups can do this activity at once!}

We charted the adjectives. Green (outside) Red (inside)


In our class, we have a marble jar that we try to fill by earning compliments :) If we are rockin' it in the hallway and earn a compliment from another teacher, we get a marble in the sunshine cup! We can also earn marbles by reaching for our morning goal that we set every morning after Calendar time. For example: "Straight quiet line" might be our goal for the day. If we work as a class to reach for this goal every time we line up and go somewhere, we earn a marble! When the sunshine cup is full, we take a class vote on what type of "party" we would like to have to celebrate. This time, they decided on a popcorn party! WAY TO GO MY SWEET FIRSTIES!!!

How cute are they?! :)

Apples in the Fall, Y'all!

I'm trying to backlog the blog for you all. We did a precious Apple Unit in September (Thank you sweet Cara Carroll!!) that the kiddos LOVED! Definitely excited about continuing this tradition with all of my future classes :)

We started off with charting what we already know about apples and some things we were curious about on our KWL chart...then read some apple books *{I will be better about taking pictures next year!!!}

Then we created our own KWL apple chart choosing one thing we knew, wanted to learn and learned! Did you know that there are 7,500 different kinds of apples?!
{So looking back on this, next year I am going to have them answer their question that they wanted to learn on the L apple, duh Mrs. Davis!}

We added a new poem to our poetry folder too!! We read it as a whole group first, circling sight words and highlighting rhyming words. 

We created a list of describing words {Apple Adjectives} and did a little independent activity with it.

We've been learning about labels and how to label our own drawings in our stories. We tied that in with the parts of the apple.

We tied in some Social Studies {we are studying "Good Citizenship"} with reading about Johnny Appleseed and how he helped others.

Had to have some Art time too! My precious room mom cut red, yellow and green pieces of tissue paper and the apple cut outs for our "Apple stained glass art" that we hung in our windows :) They were very proud of their work and loved seeing it in the windows as we walked back from lunch and at recess every day.

We had an apple day where the kiddos brought in an apple to use for math. I cut their apple in half for them so they could count the seeds. They worked on a math activity using their seeds.

We ended our fun week of "Apples" by making the most delicious applesauce I've ever had!! First thing in the morning after announcements, I had a big beautiful bowl of apples, sugar, cinnamon, vanilla and my crock-pot at the front of the room. We talked about the yummy ingredients and how to make the delicious treat (yikes! wish I had the pics!) We (I) got the apples peeled and chopped and into the crock-pot with the cinnamon, sugar and vanilla. We let it get all hot and ready for us while we went to P.E. and worked on the Daily 5 all morning. After lunch, our room smelled like the yummiest Fall treat ever!! Most of the kiddos 
L-O-V-E-D it,  
but there were two little darlins' that didn't care for it as much ;)
I promise it tasted better than it looks! {I may or may not have put more cinnamon than the recipe called for} 
 *When I make this at home for Mr. Davis, I'm totally adding a BIG scoop of vanilla ice cream ;)

 We did a little writing activity about the applesauce as well. We listed the ingredients, what it looked, tasted and smelled like, and of course drew a picture to match.

Fun Apple Math games :)